Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Olivia's Birthday

So my baby is now 3. I keep asking her when her birthday is and she always says, "October Sixteen". No, its April Seventh, "ooohhhhh, April seven." And how old are you going to be, "Eight". And how old is Amaya, "She's two". She is just about the cutest thing that has ever walked the earth. She goes to work with me everyday as I drive the ladies that work with me from place to place. So the ladies and I threw her a birthday party the other day, which I had to talk her out of wearing her new swimsuit to.

She threw something at Amaya the other day and hit her in the head, not too hard, but enough to make Amaya come and tell on her. I told her to say sorry, and so Olivia says "I'm sorry Sister."

Olivia is always very sweet with other kids and babies and when she sees one that is not so much older than she is, she'll go up to them, grab them by the hand, and say, "Come on sweetie. This way dear."
We were at an office the other day and Olivia was talking up a STORM to the secretary. Another lady in the office turns to me after about 20 minutes and says, "My daughter talked a lot at three and I thought she was out going, but your daughter takes the cake! I have never seen such a friendly child! And she is sooo happy!"

That is Olivia. She wakes up happy, goes to bed happy, runs around in the car with me ALL DAY, and is still unnaturally happy. Sure, she has her moments, but they are so few that I can't even think of an example to tell.

This is her latest attempt at makeup. Not the first and I'm sure it won't be the last.
She loves to give me big hugs tight around my neck, when she sneezes she always reminds me to bless her. She loves to dance in front of people and loves to show off. Adam and Amaya still baby her and think she is the best thing since sliced bread. They always say stuff like "oh mama, look at her chubby cheeks and big eyes". She gives them running hugs when they get home from school. She loves to talk on the phone to anyone who will talk to her. She still naps, but sometimes when I ask her if she wants a nap she'll say, "No, I wake up". She loves to take her clothes off. Which is funny, because my other children NEVER did this. The other day I walked into my bedroom, and there was Olivia laying down in front of the TV without a stitch of clothing on just laying down on her tummy with her hands under her chin in the middle of the day, just hanging out.

I thought I would call her Livie when she was born. But it has turned into Oliviana instead. We even sing her a song, "Oli, Oli, Oli-vi-ana, Oli-vi-ana, Oli-vi-ana." Don't ask why because I can't remember why we started this.


Stacey Fam said...

The baby of the family is so LOVED! That's how it is at our house too! Not that the other kids aren't loved- it's just that they love the baby so much too!

Love, Court

Ash said...

She is sooo cute! It's fun to read about all her funny personality traits.